Oh, that's right, I know! Passing away the days in awe of moments like this one:
...while simultaneously, obsessively trying to figure out how I can turn my love of writing and dream of earning an income thru writing into reality; of someday publishing a book à la EL James/Suzanne Collins, with a mix of Mean Girls/Bridesmaids... and then some.
Instead of making "it" happen, actually WRITING, I'm stuck, blocked if you will, enjoying the moments of motherhood and being home with baby, washing bottles and finding my body again and yes, I admit, watching way too much TV (I mean, come on - Ellen's 10th season! BB14 Finale! Glee and season premieres, oh my!) while my little guy sleeps peacefully on me, leaving me only one free hand to type. The ideas tornado around in my mind, leaving me confused and, let's be honest, afraid that they may stay for twirling in my mind and not released into something special for the world to read, that i may never achieve the legacy I'd like to leave for my son.
I'm trying not to panic, feeling as though this transitional year is too quickly ticking away, and reminding myself where there is a will...and to just go, just do, do do. 'They' (the wise) say, "do what you love, and the money will come." If only someone could pay the bills in the meantime...If only I could twitch my nose and have it be real when I open my eyes...
...but even in the age/speed of the internet, the time when everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame, and when, well everything, is immediate, it remains true that most things worth having, especially life long dreams and visions, are worth hard work, dedication and persistence.
With that in mind, and with one free hand, off I go to start chapter one... again;)
Cheers, to not giving up!
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