Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Peace Love and Gratiturkey

Whoa, and just like that it's October!!

I am always floored at how quickly Thanksgiving rolls around. With pumpkins and stuffing and turkeys (or tofurkeys,) upon us, like most, I find myself reflecting on what has transpired during the last year, what I will be giving thanks for, and then some...I am then equally amazed at how long ago everything seems, the full year(s) in rewind... summer already seems ages past, last Christmas like eons away...

I consider what I have accomplished and have yet to accomplish, if I have been a good person, if I have worked hard enough, lived fully enough, and then I envision the way I would like to see the next few months, year, years unfold...

This year, I have more to be grateful for than ever. That is not to say that other years have been slim pickings, but it's true what they say, and my son is the apple of my eye, the light of my life, and trumps every year before now. I am so so so thankful that he is here; after almost losing hope I would ever be a mother; that he is healthy and beautiful and strong and just the purest of joys; that his daddy is here too, that we love each other more deeply than I knew possible, and that I have every minute with my son, as he grows literally before my eyes, absorbing (and drooling on) everything around him. 

Lennon (photo taken by Amazing Ash, see links)
It is the most amazing thing, this thing we call life...
And as I explore it some more from the perspective of a 5 month old, still wrapping my head around it all and how this little angel was ever even created, I give thanks to God. I have gone astray more than once, but have since found my faith, since I can see no other explanation for this miracle before me.

Although with every new day there are new fears and struggles, challenges, stresses, disappointments and losses, every new day is also a new blessing, a new chance, a new light! 

We are all so lucky to be alive, yes?! 
Poor turkeys. 
Gobble gobble.



Friday, September 21, 2012

Bewitch? I wish...

Seriously, where does the time go? 
Oh, that's right, I know! Passing away the days in awe of moments like this one: 

...while simultaneously, obsessively trying to figure out how I can turn my love of writing and dream of earning an income thru writing into reality; of someday publishing a book à la EL James/Suzanne Collins, with a mix of Mean Girls/Bridesmaids... and then some.

Instead of making "it" happen, actually WRITING, I'm stuck, blocked if you will, enjoying the moments of motherhood and being home with baby, washing bottles and finding my body again and yes, I admit, watching way too much TV (I mean, come on - Ellen's 10th season! BB14 Finale! Glee and season premieres, oh my!) while my little guy sleeps peacefully on me, leaving me only one free hand to type. The ideas tornado around in my mind, leaving me confused and, let's be honest, afraid that they may stay for twirling in my mind and not released into something special for the world to read, that i may never achieve the legacy I'd like to leave for my son.

I'm trying not to panic, feeling as though this transitional year is too quickly ticking away, and reminding myself where there is a will...and to just go, just do, do do. 'They' (the wise) say, "do what you love, and the money will come." If only someone could pay the bills in the meantime...If only I could twitch my nose and have it be real when I open my eyes...

...but even in the age/speed of the internet,  the time when everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame, and when, well everything, is immediate, it remains true that most things worth having, especially life long dreams and visions, are worth hard work, dedication and persistence. 

With that in mind, and with one free hand, off I go to start chapter one... again;)

Cheers, to not giving up!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Countdown is on...

There are only days left (14 to be exact), before my long awaited son arrives, so I figured it was time for me to buckle down and say a few words... (click Baby Steps April 13th for more).

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One Page at a Time...

If you haven't already checked them out, I am working on bringing more dimensions to my blog - click for personal baby updates; my dabbling in photography; and other great things I love.

One step, one day, one page at a time 

Peace ~ Love ~ Gratitude 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May the Dragon Be with You!

Wishing you all only the best for a safe, healthy, prosperous, exciting new year. May it be full of challenges you thrive from, dreams that come true, and blessed successes. 
Thank you for your continued support! Even as I continue to lag and fall behind in posts... And no, I still haven't finished my first manuscript, or gotten any further as an established, published writer. But I refuse to give up or allow myself to stop believing in my dream or my passions... however long it takes.          "If you believe, and can conceive, you can achieve."

As I move into this new year, about to see my life forever changed with my son's arrival soon approaching (!!!!), I reflect on the year(s) past and feel stronger and more grateful than ever. My life has surely not been without heartache, loss, and struggles. I have been kicked down more than I can count. I have been let down more than I can count. I have been surprised by unplanned turn of events more than I can count. I have been bullied, broke and broken. I have been alone and afraid. I have even battled with health, weight, money, with serious, different types of abuse and addictions. I too, the eternal optimist, have been depressed, discouraged, derailed. 

But I am still here. Still living and still going. One day at a time. I get lost and have trouble finding my way, just as much as the next guy, but I still believe that I can live my best life and be my most authentic self. 

This is all I wish for you as well. Life is not perfect, nor are our relationships, or our working conditions, or our financial circumstances, etc. But giving up and succumbing to negative, depressing thoughts and attitudes has never helped anyone. Moving into this new year, remember to count your blessings, as often as possible. You will notice the more you do, the more you find there are to count. 
"According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2012 is the Year of the Dragon, which begins on January 23, 2012 and ends on February 9, 2013.  The Dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 Animal signs.  The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend.  In ancient China, the celestial Dragon represents an emperor and  power. Today, it  is the ultimate auspicious symbol signifying success and happiness.   May the celestial Dragon bring great good luck to everyone"
May the luck, power & strength of the Dragon be with you in 2012. Whether you believe in Chinese Astrology or not, let yourself be inspired by this mythical, magical creature and dream big! Rome wasn't built in a day! Things worth having are worth fighting for...and they usually don't happen overnight. But in a whole year, who knows what could be?

Peace, Love, Gratitude

Counting Down Until Spring